Customer Success Stories: Desoutter
Desoutter uses OPaaS to avoid upgrade obligations
21 August, 2024 by
Customer Success Stories: Desoutter
Ida Müller

Desoutter, an established company in the assembly technology sector, was faced with the challenge of having to upgrade the software they were using. With OPaaS, Desoutter found a way to avoid the upgrade obligation while maintaining operational efficiency. 

The challenge

As a manufacturer of pneumatic screwdrivers, drills and assembly systems, Desoutter relies on reliable software to support its operations. An impending upgrade requirement meant that the company had to decide whether to update its existing systems. 

The solution

Desoutter opted for OPaaS, a hosting solution for Odoo applications that does not require mandatory upgrades. This option allowed the company to continue using the existing software without incurring the risks and costs associated with an upgrade. The customised modules could be retained while the IT infrastructure remained stable and secure. 

Benefits for the company

By using OPaaS, Desoutter was able to realise several advantages: 

1. Cost control:

Avoiding the upgrade led to a reduction in the costs that would otherwise have been incurred for customising and implementing new software solutions. 

2. Receipt of customised modules:

The modules that continued to be used ensured the continuity of operational processes. 

3. Flexibility:

The flexible hosting environment of OPaaS enabled Desoutter to utilise the software according to its current needs.

4. Stability and security:

Despite the decision not to upgrade, system stability and security were maintained.

Customer Success Stories: Desoutter
Ida Müller 21 August, 2024
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